Thursday, May 26, 2016

[Old]Gatta 2.1 DotA Map for 1.21b (-ah bypass for 6.50b)

Plse check this thrd for UPDATES as I will update Gatta with new ftures and -ah for new versions of DotA.

Gatta 2.1 Changes
- Added map options
- Added bar view
- the -ah for DotA 6.50b

Ok, first of all, let me start off by saying that this was not originally mnt to be a map - A few weeks ago, I got word that Icefrog (DotA modder) planned on implementing a built-in anti-map system for DotA 6.50. There are several custom map anti-map systems out there nowadays; some are more stable than others, but they are all almost identical in their overall methodology - all use corrupt models or effects that will crash users who are not supposed to "see" them (map users). More recently, an even more crtive method that makes use of a blank minimap icon was developed, and it prevented map users from viewing non-visible heroes on the minimap.

"-ah" command (Anti-map system for DotA 6.50)
While I applaud these people's crtivity, it is absolutely ridiculous that they would honestly think they could prevent any dedied from bypassing these gimmicky systems in a matter of minutes. These modders need to accept the fact that they are simple-minded scripter’s writing in an extremely simple scripting language (JASS): very few of them have any rl-world experience in lower-level programming languages or assembly. Frankly, I consider Icefrog an idiot for wasting his time on this worthless anti-map system which supposedly prolonged the relse of 6.50 by several weeks.

The anti-map system is very simple: The host of the game (blue) types "-ah" in between the 15-60 second mark. He is then given two options: -mode1 or -mode2. Mode1 only erates of the blank Minimap overlay so map users cannot see non-visible heroes on the minimap; it will not cause a crash. -Mode2 also erates the overlay, but it also adds a corrupt unit model that will cause wc3 to crash for map users who are able to see units they shouldn't.

I had alrdy written a program devised to bypass the existing anti-map systems before 6.50 was relsed, but I never bothered relsing because so few people actually bothered playing with the AHMS modded DotA versions. Now that the official 6.50 has the system built-in, I've decided to relse it. Coincidentally, 6.50 was relsed the same day the 1.21b was relsed, and, as everyone has probably noticed, there aren't any map out that work with the new . So I added a map which simply uses the Shadowfrench offsets that I updated for the new . I take NO CREDIT for the map functionality - its all Shadowfrenchs work. I just wanted to relse something quick, stable and sy and most people will agree that the Shadowfrench map was the best and most stable map out there for DotA. There have also been several indiions that Shadowfrench may never return to relse an updated version of his map for the new .

How to use
Map: Click "Activate " at any point when Warcraft is open.
-ah : You must click "Kill -ah" or hit F4 ch new DotA game once the game starts. It must be done BEFORE the host types -ah (you have 15 seconds). If it works, Gatta will play the default "tada" sound and you will be immune from the anti-map system.

You may also just use the -ah by itself for immunity and then use another of your choice.

How the -ah works
The -ah works by -terminating the model and texture file paths used by the anti-map system. Warcraft III custom maps are basically just file archives with dozens of files and descriptors. Every file has a path within the archive for the main script to reference when it needs to. By -terminating a file path, the triggers will not be able to make use of the file. In DotA 6.50's case, the two files it uses are "AH\modelcrash.mdx" (corrupt model) and "war3mapimported\MiniMap-Blank.blp" (texture overlay)

I'd like to encourage more s to expand on this as I simply don't have the time to put a whole lot of time into it, and having to activate it ch new game can be a little annoying. I've only spent total of 2-3 hours on it, and I know for a fact there are more efficient, practical ways to achieve the same result.

Gatta is not detected by GGC, and is, of course immune to 6.50's -ah command. It is detected by Warden (ladder) and the popular anti- "DotA Client".
Unfortunately, I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to bypass DotA Client to no avail - it is particularly frustrating because it does not immediately tell you when you are banned and it bans by -. It is also nr impossible to decrypt information sent to its central servers, or the program itself. Fortunately, DotA Client is only used in ue environments.

Feel free to scan with Virustotal

There are two different attachments: gatta 2 ( and gatta 2.1 ( You may use the older gatta 2 if you are still playing with DotA 6.50. Use gatta 2.1 for 6.50b.

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